Tube & Clip Tool Further Enhancements
Build your own scaffold subsystem by ScaffBlock Increase efficiency of modelling with ScaffBlock Quick corners by the Bay, Item and Lapping bay tools Quick and efficient step in scaffold Create F and Box ties efficiently Share a 3D model and make it available by QR codes Set and distribute tools presets Save time using model templates Reuse existing components with high speed and accuracy Quick way of adding multiple components into a bay
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Scaffold Modelling tools
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- Release notes
The Tube & Clip tool functionality has been significantly enhanced to bring modeling process for the tube and clip scaffold to a new level.
It is possible now to use the only one tool - the Tube and Clip tool for any scenario:
- to form scaffold legs by two points clicked in the model (independent 2 point insertion) or
to add tube and fittings over the legs or other tubes (component dependent insertion by 2 items selected).
The Tube Connector tool functionality has been depreciated.
The tool now has the contextual toolbar introduced for fast options control on the fly on the insertion defining:
- an input type - by two points(for legs) or by two components picked in the model
- coupler types at ends
- tube length automatically to suit the scenario or from the list of available tubes in the catalogue (insertion by number of tubes also available)
- direction of the tube and fittings insertion - perpendicular to two components picked or free placement by 2 points for braces
Extra functionality on the contextual toolbar is now available:
conversion to two points to be considered after insertion
define amount of tubes in a list by available tube lengths - change tube joiner type
- define joiners at ends
- add extra clips such band and plate coupler, board retention clip, double, swivel and putlog couplers
- define extra clips to be added by a point, component or line segment being clicked
- directly create base plates (single or triple timber boards), head jacks, planks and toe boards
- perform copy commands by number of copies required
- control tube length extension at ends
- flip(mirror) the tool over the inserted points/items
- show inputs for the tool, dimensions and annotations if required to be checked.
Fittings added from the tool now considered as a part of the tool and might be mirrored in one go with the tool or freely repositioned along the tube.
Tubes and fittings inserted now might be freely moved to any location including out of the range of tubes it's been originally inserted.
Tubes and fittings tool now allows directly create:
- Base Plates (including single and triple sole board options)
- Head jacks
- Timber planks and Toe boards.