How to import miscellaneous blocks
Eliminate point cloud areas for designing Copy a block efficiently with the lock function Build your own scaffold subsystem by ScaffBlock Increase efficiency of modelling with ScaffBlock Quick corners by the Bay, Item and Lapping bay tools Quick and efficient step in scaffold Create F and Box ties efficiently Share a 3D model and make it available by QR codes Set and distribute tools presets Save time using model templates Reuse existing components with high speed and accuracy Quick way of adding multiple components into a bay
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Scaffold Modelling tools
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Table of Contents
1. Purpose of the function.
The ScaffBlock tool contains miscellaneous blocks provided by ScaffPlan team and the blocks might be imported in the the tool using Import miscellaneous blocks button:

2. Import miscellaneous blocks.
To import miscellaneous blocks press the Import Import miscellaneous blocks button.
Select blocks required by Type, and Subtype ticking on boxes in front of each block then click Add button:
Miscellaneous blocks are stored as PSB file located in the ScaffPlan environment folder:
…\Environments\ScaffPlan\General\ScaffBlocks\Misc\ScaffBlocks\[Scaffolding system]
example for the Layher system: